Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Must Read (AMR) – A Grief Observed

Welcome to my book corner. This reoccurring section of my blog is brought to you by my desire to share some of the meaningful books in my life. Some are more serious than others, but they are all about wisdom. Like my book about the wisest woman I'll ever know and her universal wisdom – Sign up at the website to get advance notice….I'll even sign your copy! How exciting for me!! And thanks.


One of my favorite authors CS Lewis wrote this book to describe his journey through the grief of his wife's death. He was a brilliant scholar and tutor who lived from 1898 – 1963. Well known for The Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity and his lesser known works such as The Screwtape Letters (one of my favorites).

I found A Grief Observed not long after Rita had died. But I couldn't finish it. Lewis' journal of struggle, agony and near despair struck too close to home early after her death. Finally, I finished it a few months ago, nearly 10 years after her death. So much of what I experienced in understanding my loss and grief was spoken through this journal. A book of less than 100 pages that I recommend for anyone trying to understand their own journey through loss. NOT a light hearted read but one that brings healing.

I rarely discuss the loss of Mom because I honor her more by my action than my mere grief. But there is a place for grief and for me, CS Lewis helped to understand that journey through it.

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