Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Must Read (AMR) – The Art of Power

No, I'm not talking about Dead Rita's Wisdom, soon to be published by a yet to be named publisher. (But do sign up at the website to get first notice – This will be a reoccurring section of this blog….books I love.


I'm reading THE ART OF POWER by Thich Nhat Hanh (great news – you don't have to pronounce the author's name, just buy the book).

I'm interested in the study of what power is truly about. This book is the most interesting and thought provoking I've read in a long LONG time. Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist Zen master, poet, scholar, and peace activist. He reveals how true power comes from within. What we seek, we already have. (Amen and amen!)

It is the wisdom we have that leads us. And true power is understanding the ability to be happy right in the present moment, free from addition, fear, despair, discrimination, anger and ignorance. 218 pages long. Well written and life changing.

Wise man who shares who he is, how he lives, and what he knows. He's written many books and if he wanders into the genre of dead mothers, my book is toast! (but I'm not too worried) Enjoy his words of wisdom.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

You just don’t aim to believe!

My Jr. High School math teacher, Mr. Schmidt used to say that. I didn't like math – but he knew the chances of succeeding were much greater if I believed I could succeed. And he'd always holler: You just don't aim to believe! And he was right – and when I began to believe, then I succeeded.

Yesterday on my 'Twitter Tweet' I started the day with - "Settling into Monday and not settling for anything but the best" . I meant it too. On Sundays I'm always eager for Monday and what opportunity it will bring. By Monday morning, not so eager. But I decided yesterday morning would be different. And by 11am, I found $2300 I didn't know I'd lost.

You just gotta believe. In what's possible. And what the day will bring. From a blow-your-hair-back kind of belief. And I do believe I do believe!

I'm sure Mr. Schmidt is dead now too (he was in his late 50's/60's in the early 1970's when I was in school.) Dead Schmidt's wisdom.

So, do you aim to believe in what is possible?

Monday, July 28, 2008

I could use some wisdom

Having grandchildren staying with us becomes a full time job for me. Though I'm wise enough to get them off to camp all day, when they're home with us I want to be fully present. But who do I become around them? I'm so tough on them! Lots of laughter for sure. Fun. Games. But lots of rules. I never chose to have children of my own but marrying John was the great cosmic answer to that plan. I was given, and truly accepted, four. They're all grown and now have these wonderful kids that they share with us.

So in the summer when they visit for a week at time, I want to give them my best. But I know I want too much. I want them to knock it out of the ballpark every time. And whenever they say something that shows their doubt in their own abilities, I'm RIGHT THERE to coach them to…. what ? A better answer? A more empowered view? I don't know. I don't always remember that who they are is enough. But how do you consistently bring out the best in a child and encourage them to believe in themselves?

Good evidence that the kids love me. They're all eager to visit and stay with us. My grandson Matthew said, "Vitsy, you are very funny!" (Now THERE'S a brilliant child!) I know I connect with them. But I must not be frustrated for them. It's important to balance my desire for their success in life with the reality that who they are, in this moment, is enough.

Boy could I use some of Dead Rita's wisdom! How did she do it so well for me? She was tough. Didn't tell me I was wonderful all the time. But somehow I felt loved and supported. Her compliments were always sincere. But I wonder what I think is missing.

This is when having a dead mother really becomes an issue for me. When it becomes clear that I really need her here.

I'll search around in my brain for a good answer on how to be the best for my grandchildren – what WOULD Dead Rita have said?

But sometimes words of encouragement from a great source really help. So if you're reading this and have words of wisdom, don't hesitate to tell me. I don't know it all: I just look like I do!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sign up for notice on book!

So I've owned the website for sometime. But the homepage was just a placemarker from Kinda ugly. And definitely not Dead Rita's style.

But no more! Da-Da-Da-(provide your own crescendo here) DAAAAAA! Website is LIVE - which means take a look and SIGN UP to receive early notice when the book will be available for sale. (not selling your name or any nasty thing like that - just pure notification when available).
You say your name is RITA??! LUCKY YOU! You'll receive a free copy if you're one of the first 500! Nice huh? Dead Rita would like that. (She was very generous.)

No pressure. No hook. Just letting me know you were serious when you told me "I can't wait for this book!" Be the first on your block to own it! When you say? Not sure, I say! But the suspense is building....

Click here to go to the website: How exciting is this!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dead Rita in the News

No surprise to me. She's making waves from beyond the grave (that's a weird visual). But wisdom is wisdom and her ability to remind us that we can have a powerful voice should not be limited in life (or death). She has my vote! Enjoy this news piece about her.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Big Sister is Watching

Huh. So I get a google alert on the Arianna Huffington's blog The Huffington Post website that there is the 'Victoria Trabosh Campaign and Donations' Page. Huh. ( I think again). Who's raising money for me, and what campaign am I in?!

Really, I am so dumb sometimes. I go to the The Huffington Post FUNDRACE 2008 and there I am with my contribution that I've given to a presidential candidate. (contributions over $200 show – with the street you live on, the candidate(s) you've given to and the amount.) While I realize political contributions aren't private, this is interesting to me. They show that my zip code has given over $100,000 in the primaries.

I am stunned at the amount of money we spend to get people elected. And as hard as people work to make money, so much of it is wasted by the candidates and their staffs. The business of their business, electing their candidate, is often a poorly run business. I'm just saying.

Too bad I wasn't right in the first place. That there was a Victoria Trabosh candidate…..I would have supported her!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Can I get a whoo hoo?!

Just a little declaration here: I'm done (for now) re-editing Dead Rita's Wisdom! WHOO HOO! It took tremendous discipline but a certain publisher (we'll call him Rick-mostly because that's his name) who is coaching me will be pleased I'm sure!

It's amazing to sit for hours and read her wisdom that I have written about. It empowers me to accomplish so much! A woman whose life was so hard – who died too young. Who left behind magnificent wisdom. And I somehow captured it. Whether or not we have something here that is marketable remains to be seen – or as DR would say: "We shall see what we shall see".

So much dead wisdom out there! JFK, Eleanor Roosevelt, your deceased grandparent, a teacher's kind words when you were a child (and you're old now so they could be dead…) and it goes on and on. Do not take this lightly – but do see it all with a sense of wonder.

It's a definite whoo hoo moment!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Not a Spy

This came up yesterday again in a conversation. And I'd like to start by saying I am not a spy for the CIA. "URRRHH? " you say in your best Scoobie Doo voice??! In some parts of the world, if you get a lot done, it is assumed you possibly/may/probably work for the government. Different cultures look at the effectiveness of an individual in different ways.

Certainly in Rwanda I've been thought to be a spy for us/them…I don't know. And while I do find it amusing and a bit flattering that I'm that important or useful, it's not true. It's only a topic of conversation because I and Itafari accomplish so much in Rwanda with so little.

And the assumption is to accomplish so much, you must have amazing resources or connections or power. WHAT IF it were possible to accomplish so much because you're doing what you're meant to do; you have a belief and faith in the power of what is possible; and you'll overcome any obstacle to reach your goal. What if that was the truth. And so people who haven't found success believe that the other guy is just lucky/connected/corrupt. Shame on them.

In a country like Rwanda it's a bit easier to understand because so many people promise to accomplish something and don't. Well lucky us. It's not easy but we're determined. I'm determined on a personal level to accomplish the goals we set. And then set bigger goals and accomplish them.

Dead Rita is my inspiration. She overcame overwhelming odds and was an exceptional human being. She overcame poverty, ignorance, shame, abuse, fear and doubts. And did it anyway. I love that.

So all you would be spies: quit waiting for something or someone to save you or accomplish what you can't. Become your own solution. And stay out of the spy business.