I speak of her and this blog is because of her. So here she is. Uncharacteristically and decidedly animated in public! I love this picture of her. It's from the early 1990's.
She was my dearest friend and a fabulous Mom. Dead Rita's Wisdom, the book, is all about the wisdom she imparted throughout her life. After she died in 1998, I continued to think of the words and wisdom she brought to me. They do sustain me, and others. So the book will give you wisdom and remind you to tap into yours – either the wisdom from people in your life who are no longer alive, or those that who surround you and support you. Wisdom comes from other places too….tap into it.
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what a great photo - love her smile in it!
I laughed when I took this photo - it was so out of character. This was before the digital camera...I'm not even sure I ever showed the picture to her. One of my favorites!
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