Today I was listening on NPR Fresh Air with Terry Gross to Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a brain scientist who suffered a stroke. She just wrote a book called My Stroke of Insight. She talks about this event in her life. The part that relates to me is that she was talking about Harvard and the need that scientists have to study brain tissue. She is the National Spokesperson for the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource center.
Someday when I die, I can have my brain designated to go to this research center. And I thought, "what a great way to get into Harvard!" Not a lifelong dream, but certainly a nice coup. So I'm going to fill out the paperwork and let everyone know my desire for my brain to be carefully studied. (for the obvious and not so obvious reasons!) (to read more about Dr. Taylor, go to her website: http://drjilltaylor.com/ )
Check. Going to Harvard.
Tomorrow I leave for Oahu for 4 days. In addition to a fundraising event for Itafari on Friday night, it was going to be a week vacation for me and John. Unfortunately our 17 year old kitty Missy is ill and we really couldn't justify putting her down for a vacation (I don't want a new book called Dead Cat Wisdom!) So John's staying home to watch her and I'll be going over to have an event for Itafari to raise money for Rwanda. The event is Friday night, relax Saturday, home on Sunday – no vacation but hopefully a good event for Itafari! http://itafari.org/
Check without my mate...... a bit sadder. But going to Hawaii. (bonus: no kitties would be hurt in the making of a vacation!)
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