First it was my hearing. I think it was too much rock and roll in the 60's/70's….then I began to read words weirdly…the eyes are drying out. Now it's typing on my pearl…..the thumbs are going bad?!
I was in Hawaii over the weekend for a fundraiser for Itafari. My crackberry is great for sending and receiving emails. I had written to a friend that I was having *** surgery in August.
She wrote back and said, "what is HIM surgery?" I didn't type HIM, I typed GUM. On my keyboard letters are shared. So the GH key picked the G, the UI key picked the I and the M key behaved itself.
"No, not HIM surgery – GUM surgery" But we both thought of HIM surgery and she wrote back….
"Lol! I had him surgery 5 years ago - called it a divorce!"
What a great expression – HIM surgery for a divorce. And a hot flash is a POWER SURGE~ And the restaurant DB Dawson's is BABY DOLPHIN'S when the ears aren't working…
May all your senses serve you well – or at least give you a good laugh.