Monday, June 30, 2008

HIM surgery

First it was my hearing. I think it was too much rock and roll in the 60's/70's….then I began to read words weirdly…the eyes are drying out. Now it's typing on my pearl…..the thumbs are going bad?!

I was in Hawaii over the weekend for a fundraiser for Itafari. My crackberry is great for sending and receiving emails. I had written to a friend that I was having *** surgery in August.

She wrote back and said, "what is HIM surgery?" I didn't type HIM, I typed GUM. On my keyboard letters are shared. So the GH key picked the G, the UI key picked the I and the M key behaved itself.

"No, not HIM surgery – GUM surgery" But we both thought of HIM surgery and she wrote back….

"Lol! I had him surgery 5 years ago - called it a divorce!"
What a great expression – HIM surgery for a divorce. And a hot flash is a POWER SURGE~ And the restaurant DB Dawson's is BABY DOLPHIN'S when the ears aren't working…

May all your senses serve you well – or at least give you a good laugh.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I’m going to Harvard AND Hawaii!

Today I was listening on NPR Fresh Air with Terry Gross to Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a brain scientist who suffered a stroke. She just wrote a book called My Stroke of Insight. She talks about this event in her life. The part that relates to me is that she was talking about Harvard and the need that scientists have to study brain tissue. She is the National Spokesperson for the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource center.

Someday when I die, I can have my brain designated to go to this research center. And I thought, "what a great way to get into Harvard!" Not a lifelong dream, but certainly a nice coup. So I'm going to fill out the paperwork and let everyone know my desire for my brain to be carefully studied. (for the obvious and not so obvious reasons!) (to read more about Dr. Taylor, go to her website: )

Check. Going to Harvard.

Tomorrow I leave for Oahu for 4 days. In addition to a fundraising event for Itafari on Friday night, it was going to be a week vacation for me and John. Unfortunately our 17 year old kitty Missy is ill and we really couldn't justify putting her down for a vacation (I don't want a new book called Dead Cat Wisdom!) So John's staying home to watch her and I'll be going over to have an event for Itafari to raise money for Rwanda. The event is Friday night, relax Saturday, home on Sunday – no vacation but hopefully a good event for Itafari!

Check without my mate...... a bit sadder. But going to Hawaii. (bonus: no kitties would be hurt in the making of a vacation!)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pure Joy in the World

There's a YouTube video you must watch. It's called where-the-hell-is-Matt. It's so joyful your day will be better for the watching. And after you've watched it, please tell me if you truly believe the people of the world are different.

I say: not so much.

(and do click on the "watch in high quality" under the video) (and make sure your volume is on) (and enjoy)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

One of my best pictures ever!

In April I was fortunate enough to meet President Bill Clinton when he was here in Portland stumping for Hillary. Previous blog about this is titled CLICK ! posted in April.

We had a great conversation about Rwanda and I wanted to memorialize it with a photo. Someone promised to take a picture for me so that I could use it for the Itafari website ( I in turn promised to buy a goat for the children of Rwanda for $25 in his honor! (Feel free to purchase goats yourself at the Itafari website under DONATE).

This last Thursday, my friend Bette Bode who was there representing the city of Beaverton the same day gave me the picture he had taken. And here it is. I'm not highly photogenic and usually my mouth is hanging open because I'm talking.... But this, I must say, is truly one of my better photos. And the only one capturing my conversation with the President.

The photographer, who will remain unnamed, will get a photo of the back of a goat rather than a goat purchased in this name. Makes me laugh – and truly 15 minutes of fame can be lost if not memorialized!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Help A Reporter Out!

Someone sent me Peter Shankman's website - HARO - Help a reporter out. It's a place to answer queries from reporters/writers on many subjects - because we're all an expert on something. I get 3 emails a day and am just WAITING for someone to request an 'expert' on people whose dead mother still inspires them on a daily basis..... (me! me! Call on me!)

I've seen some really interesting requests. Here's a sample from one of my emails today:

) What Not to Wear to Work

2) Gym Wars!

3) Natural Gas Fitted Power Plants

4) Love you, hate your job

5) Notable Latinas for new Magazine

6) Tokyo Sex Phone Operator (not kidding.)

An explanation of each request follows. Sign up on his website - he's funny and pithy - my kind of guy! And who knows, if you're a Tokyo Sex Phone Operator here's your chance for a little fame on your 'expertise!' (Dead Rita would be shocked!)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Introducing Dead Rita!

I speak of her and this blog is because of her. So here she is. Uncharacteristically and decidedly animated in public! I love this picture of her. It's from the early 1990's.

She was my dearest friend and a fabulous Mom. Dead Rita's Wisdom, the book, is all about the wisdom she imparted throughout her life. After she died in 1998, I continued to think of the words and wisdom she brought to me. They do sustain me, and others. So the book will give you wisdom and remind you to tap into yours – either the wisdom from people in your life who are no longer alive, or those that who surround you and support you. Wisdom comes from other places too….tap into it.

See the survey to the right of this blog. Feel free to participate. Thanks!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mayor v Queen for a Day

I've lived in Lake Oswego for 26 years. When we moved from Cleveland to this area we chose it for its schools and neighborhoods and proximity to Portland. Like many small communities it has its share of drama. I haven't noticed much all these years but suddenly this little town will be much more interesting to me for at least one special day.

I am part of the Lake Oswego Rotary and enjoy carrying out the theme of service above self. Last night was our annual Lobster Feed which clears over $100,000 for charities in the Portland area. There is a silent and oral auction. We entered items into the silent and oral auctions and then I try VERY hard not to bid on anything!

We need nothing. I can sell three quarters of the STUFF I have and not miss it. I know this, and yet I wander the tables. Looking for that MUST have item. One little thing caught my eye.....MAYOR FOR A DAY IN LAKE OSWEGO! Now that sounds like fun. Bid a few times and ended up winning. Whoo hoo! (do mayors say 'whoo hoo'??) Off to a shaky start already!

I'll follow Mayor Judy Hammerstad for a day (includes lunch - I'm all about that!) and see what it's like to run this lovely little town of ours. And already the power is going to my head! How exciting is this!?

Dead Rita and I used to watch Queen for a Day in the early 1960's. I always wanted her to be Queen for a Day....she was perfect. And the gifts! Ah! A refrigerator! A stove! I remember nothing else. But the scepter, the cape, the crown, the adoration, and then...the refrigerator!!

I wonder if Mayor for a day comes with any of those things? I've never seen Mayor Judy with any regal finery.....could be my first (and last) order of business! I'd love a new refrigerator too.

Oh well. I may have to be content wielding little or no power just watching local government in action.

A little fantasy I've had for the last 12 years since we passed through the town of Cashmere Washington was becoming THEIR Mayor! They make aplets and cotlets there. If you don't know what they are, here's a website: A long shot for sure since we have no plans to relocate.....

But, Mayor for a Day in Lake Oswego......maybe for xxxx number of days in Cashmere?? As I can well attest: anything is possible!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Father's Day Bugsy!

He's not my Dad. He's my husband. My Dad, Mr. Papa died just over 2 years ago. I celebrated him for years. But it's always good to celebrate the man in your life who is a great father. That's John. My view is definitely a bit one sided. But loving him for 28 years and watching him love his kids has taught me a lot about him.

When we met he was legally separated and raising the kids by himself. He told me that he would do anything for his children, and he has. He has never complained, been bitter if they forgot to acknowledge him, expected anything from them because of what he gave them. He was a father's father.

Truly loves his children unconditionally. Much like Dead Rita loved us. I never saw that in Mr. Papa. His love was fairly conditional. But not John. It was one of the many reasons I fell big time for him. Most men I met then were selfish. Not a character trait I have ever seen in him.

So happy Father's Day to my husband. You love well and try hard to be a good Dad. And doing your best is all you have to do.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dead Rita would have LOVED this!

Today I began to Twitter. It's called one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet by Time Magazine. I say, 'who knew!?' I'd heard about it and today a friend suggested I begin twittering. I think it's a bit similar to IMing, which I am pathetic at doing! (even my friends in Rwanda think so but are too polite to tell me!) I'll be working in Rwanda and someone sends me an IM. I can't seem to respond and I'll enter a pre written message like, "the answer is yes." I am seriously truly pathetic.

Dead Rita was cool at 51. I'm 51 and by beginning to Twitter today it occured to me she was always doing things at whatever age she was that were currently happening in the world. She would have had a cell phone and twittered her grandchildren in Indiana. She loved technology.

I remember being 26 to her 51 and she kept up quite nicely. I wish she'd Twitter me. But then she'd be alive. No Book. No Dead Rita. OK by me! Instead, Rita's dead and I'll just wish she'd send me a Twitter......

Wouldn't it be great to get a Twitter from Heaven??!! What would that look like?? Probably wouldn't say, "HELL-O!" She'd say, "Hiya Vits!" So there's a link on the blog now to Twitter me. Knock yourself out....and I hope I'll be able to do more than say, "The answer is yes!"

Pithy in 140 character or less. Good goal. Go to to learn more.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Radioake ™

Friday night we went to see Jude at the Aladdin Theatre in Portland. Big night out for the folks!! I don't go to a lot of concerts. The biggest concert I ever remember attending was in 1976 in Cincinnati Ohio to hear the Allman Brothers! I went with a guy I was dating who was seriously into drugs…and we stopped at a friend's house before the concert. The wife of his friend (whose nickname was HOOVER because she snorted cocaine so fast) and her husband accompanied us to the concert. I was miserable. We were at the top of the coliseum (or whatever the building was) in Cincinnati and everyone and I mean EVERYONE around me was seriously high. Except me. Didn't do drugs. Did drink a bit though. Wasn't a big Allman Bros. fan….but I digress.

Friday night's concert was nothing like that. Jude was great – I won tickets on KINK radio….I love winning things! We had a lovely dinner before the concert and sat and listened to this guy. But the audience was rude. Shouting out his songs just to be heard. "Asshole!" someone shouted. Turns out that was one of the songs!! They weren't heckling him but it got on our nerves. We listened to him for about an hour. People were singing along (they knew the words….) I was just listening. And I realized something about the way people sing.

They're always better when they're singing along. Karaoke is not easy. I've watched a lot of people try it. I did see a staid Japanese businessman in Tokyo get up to do karaoke in a tempura house turn into Elvis right before my eyes…..maybe it was the Sapporo beer but he was fabulous!! Except for that moment in the 1980's in Tokyo, not so pretty. But so many of us can sing like professionals along with the radio or a live performer! I'm one of them! I'm a fabulous singer….with the radio blaring. I'm seriously (not) surprised I'm not asked to sing in a band.

When John and I were first dating, I'd sing every song on the radio. Every one. Really. Still do. Little harder to hum along on NPR… I can hear a song maybe once and know the lyrics. It's a gift, kind of useless except that it amuses me. John and I had been together for a few months and I was crooning along with Bette Midler singing "The Rose". He turned to me and said, "you have a great voice." No one had ever said that. I fell a little more in love with him in that very moment.

Dead Rita in fact told me my voice wasn't so hot. Not being unkind. Just being Dead Rita – there's a great chapter in the book called "You're Flat" about the issue of my singing. And who do you know that loves you enough to tell you when you're flat in life….and when you're not.

Anyway, I realized Friday night I'm not a great karaoke singer but I'm a great RADIOAKE™ singer! My new word! I invented it! No such word for people who sing along with the radio! What do I do with this great invention??! Not a darn thing. But it's notable! Let me know if I didn't invent it…! And if you now know you can proudly call yourself a radioake™ singer, break a leg!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Orville – move over!

A very short but happy blog. If you read the last blog about a milestone, this one makes sense! Flight successful on 1 June 2008. Amazing. Enough said.

(3 hours later....) ok - maybe that was too short. The inspection went well by his test pilot and the plane flew like a bird! John went up with the pilot and everything is excellent! He will now need to fly 40 hours alone (or with an instructor) before he can take any passengers (like me!) up with him. After he's flown it for awhile, it will then be painted. I'll post any new pictures when it looks different.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A milestone

I love talking about dead people…..especially Rita. But today my mind is filled with a person whom I love like crazy. It is my beloved (and very much alive) husband, John "ScubaCat" Trabosh. Today, not far away in Hubbard, Oregon he is having his Van's Aircraft experimental RV9 airplane flown for the first time. He built this plane over the last 2 years. It's really ridiculous how incredible this feat is to me.

Not only in the fact that he did it, but truly the way he did it. Methodically, quietly, intelligently and passionately. The boy loves to fly. And if you have a pilot in your life and want to make their eyes glow, let them speak AT LENGTH about ailerons or intersection fairings or the empennage horizontal stabilizers or …….. WHA???? Whoo – hoo! I love my pilot and his passion.

The weather is overcast and drizzly today. He's hired a test pilot to take the initial flight. He'd do it but I sincerely believe he'd be so excited he could miss something. And the inaugural flight should not be the final flight… a better experienced pilot is a better solution. I am clearly not at the hangar for this momentous occasion. I tend to distract ScubaCat. And he doesn't need that….and I'm not interested in being ignored so here I sit.

But I want to celebrate the man the holds me dear and keeps me interested. We met in 1980 when I was a sweet young thing of 22….he was a very cool 40 year old trying to figure out how to raise his four children alone. I distracted him when he least was looking to be distracted. And we've been distracting each other ever since.

Congratulations my dearest friend and husband. And here's a quote that speaks to me for you and said in the year of your birth.

You'll be bothered from time to time by storms, fog, snow. When you are, think of those who went through it before you, and say to yourself, 'What they could do, I can do.' Antoine de Saint Exupéry, 'Wind, Sand and Stars' 1939.

And I know you can do it. Much love to you, V