Dead Rita was always ahead of her time. No really. She would get an amazing idea and then NOT act on it due to fear or insecurity or lack of faith in herself. And then six months to a year after she realized or created something, it would hit BIG.
When she retired from her work, she didn't know what she wanted to do but she wanted to create. She had very little money and had started doing these amazing shadow boxes that looked like real scenes. What she couldn't buy in miniature, she made. Like tiny blocks, or crocheted a little rug. Amazing. When she told me about them, she was sure she could sell them for a couple of hundred dollars a piece. And I knew she could. They were exquisite. John and I decided to seed her with the cash. A modest $500. I thought she would pee her pants she was so excited.
She created about 10 scenes and took them to a high end craft show in Ft. Wayne. I knew they would sell out. She was terrified to show them and get feedback. Mr. Papa went with her – the ultimate salesman/carny hawker. EVERYONE stopped to admire them. Few were purchased. A little out of range of Ft. Wayne Christmas shoppers. She was crushed. About 2 years later, I saw the same idea (nowhere near as exquisite) in a high end gift shop. Dead Rita was with me and we just shook our heads. That happened all the time!
It reminds me of this book I just read that you should read: A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel H. Pink. This book was published 3 years ago but it was new to me. It's a fascinating discussion of the shift our world is making to honor the right side of our brain. The creativity; the uniqueness that is in each of us; the freedom we gain when not constrained by anything other than our senses (as defined by Pink: DESIGN, STORY, SYMPHONY, EMPATHY, PLAY, MEANING). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhKLSTBSgwI
This book was Dead Rita – operating fully with BOTH sides of her brain – the accountant/artist….cerebral/verbal….intellectual/practical. Her wisdom for me continues to be magnificent. And when I finish my book proposal, it will be for you too! J
get that book proposal done, some of us are dying to read it!
I need to leave work (it's nearly 7pm) and go home & read that book for sure!
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