No, I'm not talking about Dead Rita's Wisdom, soon to be published by a yet to be named publisher. (But do sign up at the website to get first notice – http://DeadRitasWisdom.com) This will be a reoccurring section of this blog….books I love.
I'm reading THE ART OF POWER by Thich Nhat Hanh (great news – you don't have to pronounce the author's name, just buy the book).
I'm interested in the study of what power is truly about. This book is the most interesting and thought provoking I've read in a long LONG time. Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist Zen master, poet, scholar, and peace activist. He reveals how true power comes from within. What we seek, we already have. (Amen and amen!)
It is the wisdom we have that leads us. And true power is understanding the ability to be happy right in the present moment, free from addition, fear, despair, discrimination, anger and ignorance. 218 pages long. Well written and life changing.
Wise man who shares who he is, how he lives, and what he knows. He's written many books and if he wanders into the genre of dead mothers, my book is toast! (but I'm not too worried) Enjoy his words of wisdom.