Tuesday, July 29, 2008

You just don’t aim to believe!

My Jr. High School math teacher, Mr. Schmidt used to say that. I didn't like math – but he knew the chances of succeeding were much greater if I believed I could succeed. And he'd always holler: You just don't aim to believe! And he was right – and when I began to believe, then I succeeded.

Yesterday on my 'Twitter Tweet' I started the day with - "Settling into Monday and not settling for anything but the best" . I meant it too. On Sundays I'm always eager for Monday and what opportunity it will bring. By Monday morning, not so eager. But I decided yesterday morning would be different. And by 11am, I found $2300 I didn't know I'd lost.

You just gotta believe. In what's possible. And what the day will bring. From a blow-your-hair-back kind of belief. And I do believe I do believe!

I'm sure Mr. Schmidt is dead now too (he was in his late 50's/60's in the early 1970's when I was in school.) Dead Schmidt's wisdom.

So, do you aim to believe in what is possible?

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