No matter the businesses I run or companies I've worked for, I always hear the phone ring. It's my baby's cry. Now my phone doesn't ring much. There are definitely calls: My clients call. I call people. I check for messages. But it's not the volume – the fistful of messages I would be handed when I walk into my office.
After Rita died, Mr. Papa used to call me EVERYDAY work day at 9am to see what I was doing. How my sales were going. What I had planned. I loved the sound of his voice. Even when he had the stroke and couldn't speak, my phone rang at 9am and I heard "AAAAAAARRRGGGGH!!!" "Mr. Papa????" "RAAAGGGHGH!" LOVE that! And he regained his voice and it was a wonderful part of my life until he died. I miss those calls.
Pesky sales people call. And they're not listening! (I always answer my phone, "good morning/afternoon…..Vicky Trabosh". And then a sales person will say: "Is Vicky Trabosh available?" And I calmly answer "no she isn't".) Unbelievable.
But I love the ring of my phone. I miss talking with people. And yet I'm in demand. But it's my email that is ringing off the hook!
Loving that? Not so much. So sorry.
I miss talking with people. And I'll admit, I get some unbelievably great emails! But the volume is crushing. Because in the midst of the dump that has become my inbox, lie beautiful flowers….those flowers are emails full of wisdom, humor, pathos, important stuff!!! And sometimes I just miss them! Too much! I swear it's almost rolling by! I can't keep up. I'm out for a few hours, 50 new emails download!
And in different languages too! I speak Russian – but I can't read the Russian junk for enhancement products (which is ok)….
Making appointments with people I truly want to see over email can become excruciatingly painful. Back and forth, back and forth, back and…..then I can fall off the email train!! I hate that!
You want a piece of me??! Call me. (As soon as you get done reading my blog which was just delivered courtesy of your email or internet.)
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