Last night on TV we were watching OPB's Truth About Cancer with Linda Ellerbee. I've seen a lot of cancer due to my work as a guardian/conservator for the elderly for 18 years and then my up close and personal walk through it with Dead Rita. I also heard Dr. Kelley Reis, Naturopathic Physician http://hillsboronaturalmedicine.com/ speak on the subject this last Sunday at Nancy Thompson's Flourish Salon. http://flourish-pdx.com/
The show and Dr. Reis talked about the causes of cancer and certain treatment(s). But what I knew and found interesting to have confirmed was about how cancer cells are actually fed or starved by their environment. Dr. Reis talked about how refined sugars can be a factor in feeding cancerous cells. I read recently how fasting kills diseased cells and healthy cells survive. LOVE the Master Cleanse by Stanley Burroughs http://mastercleanser.com/ but it is not for the faint of heart. Not eating anything for days freaks people out. But this cleanse provides everything necessary to stay healthy. It's detoxifying and totally cleanses the system. If I ever get cancer, I'll go on this for a month before I begin conventional treatment.
But all this came to clarity this morning after I got Butros Butros-Ghali out of my head (see previous post) when I was on my way to my 7:30 meeting. We feed or starve a "cancer" in the workplace, in our lives, our families, ourselves, with behaviors that either make it grow or kill it. Work often reflects an equally difficult situation in our personal life and we focus on work as the issue when actually it's just a reflection of who we're being in other areas. We have got to begin to starve the cancer, not feed it and wonder how we're going to treat the growing tumor.
It's always about me. How I act, react, respond, reflect. I will take better care of me so that other people don't have that responsibility.
1 comment:
I like what you said about the cleans Vic. You're a good writer! Thank you again kindly for your Blog on my talk today! It felt like I've moved ahead, and your pulling me along, much like when I was a boy, on your bike! Pretty neat to still be being pulled along! Then you let go I go whizzing past ya! Only for you to catch me again and away we go! Love, your bro, Dan
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